Thursday, December 17, 2015

2SC5200 2SA1943A Amplifier Circuit Pioneer 200W

200W amplifier circuit Pioneer (Pioneer-PR-200N) is an old sound system versiyorun pcb printed circuit board design is quite small clone 5w 0.22 ohm resistors have been under a lot of savings from the card this way, monta has been the highest working voltage of the circuit +-symmetric 50v power drop considering the 35.40v with çalıştılabilir. 200 watt amplifier circuit on the pcb, there is a list of the schema diagrams and materials.
2SC5200 2SA1943A Amplifier Circuit Pioneer 200W transistor amplifier audio amplifier circuits
2SC5200 2SA1943A Amplifier Circuit Pioneer 200W transistor amplifier audio amplifier circuits
Source: alternative link: 2sc5200-2sa1943a-amplifier-circuit-pioneer-200w.rar alternative link2 alternative link3